Company Sai Surface Coatings, using RoboRuka has found it to be extremely versatile, requiring low maintenance and durable. The multiple applications include robotic assembly, robotic coating and plasma cutting and welding. The improved production has contributed immensely to the savings component and the cost of RoboRuka can be comfortably recovered within a year. The profits have been increased due to:
Companies such as Machine Fab Tech have switched over to RoboRuka, due to the multiple benefits offered by it. It has proved to be a game changing tool in automating and thereby simplifying the industrial processes. Processes in a variety of industries such as rubbers and plastics, metal fabrication etc. have benefitted tremendously due to reduced lead time and decreased cost by eliminating waste. Managing processes and enhancing them has become easier due to the following advantages:
RoboRuka has been successfully installed in a company where, it has not only fine-tuned the production but also made significant contribution in increasing the production at lower cost. Traditionally, robots have been costly, requiring high maintenance and not affordable to small scale industries in India. As opposed to this, RoboRuka is extremely cost effective and ideal for SMEs in India. The benefits are several has given under:
Jay Robotix is on the path of establishing itself as a leader in providing low cost automation solutions to MSME's and experiential learning tools to students and institutions by using robots and embedded devices.