In today's fast changing economic times, it is imperative that the academic institutions provide opportunities to the students to develop and channelize their skills and talents towards meeting industrial expectations without compromising on the goal of academic excellence. Mean time, there is a growing emphasis on the use of robots, to teach STEM concepts to students in a much practical way.
The question arises that how robotics can be useful for children and how they can be benefitted with this technology?
The answer is our programming software RoboGuru™. It is interactive, intelligent and easy to use software designed with a game like structure. It creates a fun, exciting, active, joyful and stimulating environment in which students discover the important connection between classroom lessons and real-world applications. Using robots in school curriculum will strengthen the quality of STEM education for students by enabling educators to use innovative learning materials & improved teaching strategies and their by it will also help educators to keep up the self motivation of students. With an abundance of motivated students, your institution can benefit in many ways. Not only can you potentially obtain lower student absenteeism rates, but it is proven that motivated students have better grades.
The rewards for integrating robotics education in your school can therefore be felt on many levels. So what are you waiting for? Integrate robotics into your educational curriculum today!
Looking for Robotics lab in your school?
Career Oriented Program for Engg. Students
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