Today, embedded engineering is considered as heart of all the technical rich products and is becoming more and more prominent in our next generation products and further, robotics / embedded industry will contributed significant inputs to the development of other industry sectors like automobile, aerospace, energy, industrial automation, consumer and service products
As most statistics say what IT was in 90's is where robotics / embedded systems stands now. And also, there is expected to be a growth of around 90% software developers by 2018, when compared with today's 2.75 million software professionals. This is a clear sign of huge demand of engineers with practical knowledge of embedded system / computational concepts. India is now looking at an electronics manufacturing industry the size of $400 billion by 2020, from $70 billion now*. It is time for all the young engineering to en-cash this opportunity and be part of next big technology. The future is bright for India with it being considered to be the next embedded systems hub in the world.
To bridge the gap between these industrial requirements and the present academic content, our hands-on-sessions are structured to introduce the student to the core of embedded systems, robotics and computation concepts from scratch and encourage students to create their own projects. It starts out with the very basics of electronics and programming, and goes on to prepare an objective robot using the provided kit. These sessions help students to the work on intricacies and challenges involved in solving real world problems. 70% of our training programs are based on hands-on-sessions which guarantee that each participant gets required amount of exposure to head start his career with robotics/ embedded engineering which is rapidly growing and contributing substantial input to India's growth.
*computer world
"Robootics training help u to put our knowledge in practical means .The experience we had was nice."
M.Shanmuga Sundaram - SASTRA
Career Oriented Program for Engg. Students
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