At present, young generation is passionate about tablets, mobile phones and smart systems, and has a desire to make their career in this sector, as the market of these smart devices is growing at an exponential rate and market for developing applications over those devices is also growing at rapid pace.
read more...Every student joining a technical course or program is having an ambition to join in the industry which can utilize his/her knowledge that he/she has gained on a particular subject or branch. Through our workshop they will not only learn the technical skills related to his/her branch but also have hands on with latest technology trends which requires greatly in modern day industries.
read more...Generally many students think whatever they read in textbooks and in engineering courses are something which they will never use in their carrier jobs, but if you start searching, you will find a lots of industries which are actually working on technologies you read in the textbooks.
read more...As the ecosystem across globe is now rapidly moving towards using high power compact/thin electronic gadgets, it looks lucrative in business perspective and there-by huge money and time is being invested by many companies across globe to be meet the high tech requirement of the changing ecosystem.
read more...Electronics today has almost become integral part of our life. Let it be at home, at office or on roads we find electronic equippment adding modernization to the ecosystem. Over past 50 years electronic industry has developed rapidly making over 1600+ billions Euros of turn over per year. As a common prespective, we feel major part of this turnover come from mass produced gadgets/equippments like smartphone, TV's, computer/laptops.
read more...Career Oriented Program for Engg. Students
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