At present, young generation is passionate about tablets, mobile phones and smart systems, and has a desire to make their career in this sector, as the market of these smart devices is growing at an exponential rate and market for developing applications over those devices is also growing at rapid pace. With this workshop students can have hands on with such smarter technologies that are used in tablets and mobile phones.
Why should you attend?
Hands on with Android application development
Where it can be used? The android is the leading Smartphone's and tablet software platform with a market share of 70 %. Lots of companies are coming up with the base as android application development. Even, a person having knowledge of Android application development can earn money from his home by putting his applications as freelancer on Google Play Store.
Hands on with Network video streaming using Sockets:
Where it can be used? Network is the backbone of present day world. Now a days, the entire world is running on Networking, sending information is very quick and easy. There are a lot of industries which are excelling just by providing Networking solutions to the clients, because it is now the need of every organization. Having hands on with networking using sockets will help the students to have glance of current industry needs in the area of Networks.
Building a Surveillance Robot :
While doing hands on activities during workshop, students will come up with a semi industrial surveillance system in which a mobile robot having camera mounted on it will continuously give the live picture of the area and at the same time user can control the robot from the remote location.
Where it can be used? Almost every country's defense structure requires a surveillance system so that they can continuously monitor their border areas from the remote places. Even now a day, robotics research is the key part of every country's defense structure, for which they are continuously investing millions of dollars every year
Course package & fee:
A/c No: 3063136674
IFSC Code: CBIN0282042
Branch: Central Bank of India Patancheru
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