Every student joining a technical course or program is having an ambition to join in the industry which can utilize his/her knowledge that he/she has gained on a particular subject or branch. Through our workshop they will not only learn the technical skills related to his/her branch but also have hands on with latest technology trends which requires greatly in modern day industries.
Why should you attend?
Programming skills
Where it can be used? In the current situation, IT and software market worldwide is around $350 billion and programming is basic need for any software industry either big or small.
Artificial Intelligence
Where it can be used? The demand of automation is continuously increasing in the industries like automobile, Iron and steel industries where the conditions are not favorable for a human to work.
Digital Image processing
Where it can be used? The multimedia market is grown at an average rate of 5.5% per annum and is expected to reach $2 trillion. Imaging sciences are one of the core parts of entertainment industries. It is extensively used in gaming, mobile apps, live surveillance systems for security and many more, so it is also one of the key demands today.
Robotics and intelligent systems
Where it can be used? The multimedia market is grown at an average rate of 5.5% per annum and is expected to reach $2 trillion. Imaging sciences are one of the core parts of entertainment industries. It is extensively used in gaming, mobile apps, live surveillance systems for security and many more, so it is also one of the key demands today. Where it can be used? According to the analysts, the robotics market is going to revolutionize the world in the next 5 to10 years. Japan, USA, Russia, Europe are spending millions of dollars in promoting robotics in Defense and consumer markets. Robotics research is a key part of every big organization in the world.
Automatic quality control system:
During the workshop, while doing various hands on activities, they will also prepare a semi industrial product for Quality assurance through Image Processing and AI, in which a software will be able to detect defects in the object just by analyzing the image of the object taken by the camera and output of the software will signal the mechanism to perform necessary action.
Where it can be used? Automatic quality assurance is always required by industries which are producing products in bulk. By doing such an activity students can have a glance of how an automatic quality assurance system will work under stiff conditions.
Course package & fee:
A/c No: 3063136674
IFSC Code: CBIN0282042
Branch: Central Bank of India Patancheru
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