Generally many students think whatever they read in textbooks and in engineering courses are something which they will never use in their carrier jobs, but if you start searching, you will find a lots of industries which are actually working on technologies you read in the textbooks. So, with this workshop you can have hands on experience not only with the latest technology and trends but you will also learn where the concepts you learnt can be implemented to find real world solutions.
Why should you attend?
Hands on experience with Embedded systems:
Where it can be used? With the current advancements in technology, the demand of smaller hand held devices for entertainment and service are increased, thanks to Embedded Systems. According to the study the global embedded market is going to increase by $194.27 Billion by 2018, which proves it to be a bright field to start your carrier with.
Hands on experience with Embedded programming and Problem solving:
Where it can be used? If we see the current scenario of software, IT has already revolutionized the entire world. By having hands on with embedded and computer programming, it will be very easy to meet the current requirements of software and embedded industry there by placing you fore-front among other in acquiring the right job for your skills.
Hands on experience with Interfacing hardware and software:
Where it can be used? Today's world is the world of smart systems where your works can be done just by button click. Be it entertainment or service industry, automation is a key demand everywhere. The key skills required for this fast growing requirement is practical understanding of interfacing hardware and software into one platform.
Hands on experience in building a Xbox / PS2 like Joystick which can control a 3D image in computer:
At the end of this workshop you end up with preparing a semi industrial Joy stick made with accelerometer, with which; you and your team can play a game in the computer pretty much like a PS2. This will give you complete industrial exposure regarding embedded/ gaming/ entertainment industries.
Where it can be used? The market share of multimedia and entertainment industries has already crossed $1 Trillion, so there is high demand of multimedia/animatronics engineers who can work on such kind of gaming zones.
Course package & fee:
A/c No: 3063136674
IFSC Code: CBIN0282042
Branch: Central Bank of India Patancheru
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